HHN Graveyard

Blog Posts

May 10 2024 - House Shirts

March 29 2024 - Archivist's Corner: Archiving? What's That?

March 20 2024 - Archivist's Corner: 2008 Legendary Truth Site Secrets

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Past HHN Websites






2006 (Hollywood)



Archives (2008)

Legendary Truth (2008)

2009 (Files uploaded, Flash not working right now)

2010 (Files uploaded, Flash not working right now)

2011 (Files uploaded, Flash not working right now)



Missing Files

If you have any of these files, please let me know!


  • directorsNotes_2_01.gif - 2nd image in Directors Notes image list
  • directorsNotes_9_01.gif - 9th image in Directors Notes image list
  • hauntedhouse.swf - The main Flash file for the haunted houses
  • v1_hhn_ecard_2003.swf - Electrocution Director E-Card
  • v2_hhn_ecard_2003.swf - Jester Director E-Card
  • v3_hhn_ecard_2003.swf - Director Director E-Card


  • castle_01.gif - 1st image from Castle Vampyre "castlevon_note.html" file in Flash section
  • castle_02.gif - 2nd image from Castle Vampyre "castlevon_note.html" file in Flash section
  • castle_03.gif - 3rd image from Castle Vampyre "castlevon_note.html" file in Flash section
  • castle_04.gif - 4th image from Castle Vampyre "castlevon_note.html" file in Flash section
  • castle_05.gif - 5th image from Castle Vampyre "castlevon_note.html" file in Flash section


  • click_here_to_start.gif (Share the Scare)
  • scare_right.jpg (Share the Scare)
  • scare_left.jpg (Share the Scare)
  • share_the_scare_enter.jpg (Share the Scare)
  • scare.swf (Share the Scare)
  • ClearExternalPlaySeekMute.swf

2006 (Hollywood)

  • casting_call_player.swf (Casting Call)
  • images/FullThrottle_hdr.jpg
  • images/FullThrottle_can.jpg
  • images/FullThrottle_presents.gif
  • images/hdr_eats.gif
  • images/btn_close.gif
  • mutaytor.swf (Productions)
  • images/hdr_dwnldinstr_wall.gif
  • images/hdr_dwnldinstr_AIM.gif
  • director_bio.html
  • images/btn_send_b.gif
  • tic_err_popup.html
  • validate.php
  • palyer.swf
  • director_strip.swf


  • freakshow.swf - The Freakshow Flash file


  • getData_attractions.php
  • horror-over.gif
  • behind-over.gif
  • production-over.gif
  • desktops-over.gif
  • nav_hch_on.gif
  • nav_pd_on.gif
  • nav_bts_on.gif
  • nav_sts_on.gif
  • nav_dw_on.gif
  • nav_ssi_on.gif
  • nav_dc_on.gif

Archives (2008)

  • Event Overview Page? The event overview page is equal to the index page. Not sure if that's intentional or missing
  • Buy Tickets Page? The buy tickets page is equal to the index page. Not sure if that's intentional or missing


  • There might be more missing in the Flash section once we restore that.


  • nav_buytickets-over.png
  • nav_emailupdates-over.png
  • nav_news-over.png
  • flash/testimonials2.swf
  • images/navb_vip_lounge-over.png
  • gory_pop_1nightlegal.html
  • There might be more missing in the Flash section once we restore that.


  • images/mobile-headline.png
  • images/mobile-subhead.png
  • images/mobile-qr-codes.png
  • images/ipad_bk.jpg
  • SkinAllOver.swf
  • SkinOverPlaySeekMute.swf
  • Most house wallpapers
  • All Scare Zone wallpapers
  • All Show Wallpapers
  • flash/chance.swf
  • Most of the content in the legacy section of the site
  • There might be more missing in the Flash section once we restore that.


  • img/ui/ticketicons.png
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_LBHHNEH.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_TNPHEHHN.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_AHS17.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_TS17.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_SC.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_AvED.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_SAW.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_blumhouse.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_eli-roth.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_deadwater.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_thefallen.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_scarecrow.jpg
  • img/gallery/vids/thumbs_hive.jpg
  • img/ui/first-reward.png
  • img/ui/soul-collector/LockBox.png

Known Issues


  • The Caretaker e-card does not allow you to send and instead opens a redirect to a nonexistent Universal site


  • Navigation images link to the incorrect page. The Internet Archive backup of the site doesn't work correctly and mixes images between 2002 and 2003. I'll make new versions of the missing images soon.


  • Production Die-ries - Video is choppy/not working
  • TV in Psychopath maze page is choppy/not working
  • Video Tape in Psychoscareapy maze page is choppy/not working
  • Archives video clips are choppy/don't work

2006 (Hollywood)

  • Clicking on the Mutaytor Productions link doesn't load the movie
  • The Casting Call images don't load. I have all of the videos but they crash Ruffles. Need to convert them to mp4 and reembed them
  • The Send Videos feature doesn't work


  • HHN Commercial doesn't work due to a parse error in Ruffle flash emulator
  • HHN Behind the Screams doesn't work due to a parse error in Ruffle flash emulator
  • The games may not work as expected. More testing is necessary


  • Behind The Screams Video (long & short) is choppy/not working
  • Commercial Video is choppy/not working
  • Testimonials Video is choppy/not working
  • Reflections of Fear Flash file doesn't work - relies on external file (getData_attractions.php) that doesn't exist

Archive (2008)

  • 1995 Flash Drawer links to incorrect video - will fix
  • Behind The Screams - Various Videos are choppy/don't work
  • Behind the Screams - Intermittent failures to load navigation buttons requiring page restart
  • Production Die-ries - Videos are choppy/don't work

Legendary Truth (2008)

  • Scrolling doesn't work anywhere


  • The flash files don't load right now


  • The News Site links to the current HHN news, to see the original, look on the wayback machine
  • The Warehouse Flash files don't load right now